Sample Essay for Early Childhood Education in New Zealand
NZ students studying in various universities need to write different essay assignments during their entire education period. Early childhood is one of the commonly given topics. It is very difficult for the students to write the essay perfectly and acquire good grades. Therefore, it becomes easy if you take assistance from an assignment writing firm. NZ assignment help is providing the best guidance with all forms of essays to the scholars in need. For an idea, here you can browse a sample essay of early childhood to have an overview.

Early Childhood Education in New Zealand
Early childhood education refers to the field of study, research, and practice dealing with experiences of the children at times of their early development of life. Childhood education is the case in which the young children acquire formal education and are taken care of by professionals apart from the family members.
This form of education is achievable by the children out of their homes. The term early childhood is given to the education of the children who are lower than the age of normal schooling. In most of the nations, the age of this education is five years. It varies from country to country
About New Zealand, Early childhood education is a diverse sector. EC centers, for instance, can be home-based that is a family daycare, education, and centers, play centers, etc. In New Zealand, the early childhood sector also includes centers where parents are the main educators of the children. There are few centers in New Zealand which are mainly managed and operated by professionally trained and paid staff. The EC sector in New Zealand includes centers that cater to children from birth to 5 years of age. Few EC centers cater to the early childhood needs of children belonging to the age of 3 to 5 years.
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History of early childhood education (ECE) in New Zealand
The philosophy of early childhood education can be seen with the works of scholars such as John Amos Comenius, Jean Jacques Rousseau, and John Locke. Much concentration is focused on the developmental stages of children by the sociologists such as Sigmund Freud, Erick Erikson, and Jean Piaget.
There are various approaches to the discipline discovered by scholars. There is a belief that early childhood education has a vital place in developing the abilities and interests of growing children.
Early childhood education in New Zealand accommodates a large number of the nation’s population. During 1st July 2010, there were approx. 4321 licensed ECE services were there in New Zealand. In addition to this, there were approx. 188924 enrollments and 19901 teachers in ECE services. The types of ECE services which were launched initially are education and care services, home-based services, play centers, te Kohanga Reo and Correspondence schools.
The manager of early childhood education in New Zealand is accountable for the supervision of the education, care, health, and safety of children enrolled at the services. They are also responsible for assisting teachers and other staff members with the services.
Overview of New Zealand Early childhood education curriculum
New Zealand Early childhood education curriculum Te Whariki is a holistic and extensive curriculum for children from birth to school-going age. The main aim of early childhood education in New Zealand is to help children in becoming competent and confident learners.
The Te Whariki curriculum comprises 5 strands. Every strand has a different learning outcome. The specific curriculum mainly emphasizes different areas of learning and development these are physical development of the body, small muscle development, sensory development, potential to initiate and maintain a secure relationship, speech, language emotional, and cognitive development. The curriculum also focuses on a socio=cultural approach to learning and teaching in Early childhood education.
Te Kohanga Reo is an early childhood education center that completely engages students in the Maori language and culture. The other main purpose of this service is to retain the Maori language and influence the learning of a specific culture. The various types of funding are provided by the government for ECE services. But in New Zealand, the government has no role to play in ownership and administration of ECE services. It is the ECE services in New Zealand which has a positive effect on the learning and development of children.
There are numerous principles on which the enhancement of early childhood education in New Zealand is based. There is a need for trained personnel for this program. The mentors hired for early childhood education in New Zealand are properly trained by the education centers. There the teachers have the essential skills and knowledge required to interact with children.
Benefits of early childhood education
Early childhood education is not only helpful for working parents but also helpful for the children to gain emotional, social, cognitive, and physical experience staying away from their homes. Moreover, children learn the skills of socializing, interacting, playing, counting, etc.
Postgraduate diploma in early childhood education.
Presently, Tertiary College of New Zealand is offering a postgraduate diploma in early childhood education. The main aim, of course, is to support professional development for early childhood leaders. These leaders have a high level of curriculum knowledge, research skills, and capacity for leadership advancement. another objective, of course, is to engage students interested in advancing the academic, scholarship, leadership, and research subjects in the field of early childhood education & Healthcare.
The requirement for making an application for the course
Students interested in applying for the postgraduate course in early childhood education need to have a bachelor’s degree at level 7. Applicants who have English as a second language and Te Maori, not as the first language need to provide evidence of an academic IELTS score.
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Technology in early childhood education development
In the modern world, people are keen to search for solutions to their problems. The vital problem-solving tool in education is technology. With the help of technology, one can discourage racial discrimination, reduces the number of school dropouts, and enhances academic skills.
Research predicts that modern children are much more aware and knowledgeable than the children of their age some time back. The modern age children are more advanced as compared to them.
The use of technologies such as a computer, laptops, and smartphones has enhanced the way of childhood education programs. The children of even 3 to 8 years can effectively use computers these days.
Various challenges are encounter by the children during the period of their studies. Teachers and other educational employees are the people who better can find out the areas which need improvements. To make the children learn well, it is necessary to meet learning, social, emotional, and physical needs. Getting failed to fulfill any of the needs makes hassle full for the children to study properly.
Lacking enough funds is the foremost challenge face during early childhood education. This education is only available in the private sector at very high costs. And if the parents don’t have proper funds, it makes it difficult for them to admit their children to schools. Accessibility is also one of the major challenges. People need to travel a lot to reach the learning institutions.
Controversial issues
There are never-ending controversial issues in early childhood education. There are some debatable issues which are as follows:
- whether homework improves the performance of children
- finally, the correct age at which young children should join kindergarten among other issues
- whether viewing the television leads to violent behavior among children
- whether young children should use computers
It is a very important topic for the developmental stages of young children. People choose this topic as it very interesting to interact with young children and provide them with the necessary help whenever required.
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