Asset Management Essay sample
New Zealand students who are taking management courses in various universities of NZ need to write numerous management essays on a variety of topics. They require expert help to complete their essay due to plenty of reasons. Herewith the aim of helping the students in writing assignments, we are presenting an asset management essay sample. To give a little benefit to the students.

What is an asset?
The asset is any information, gadget, or another segment of the environment that backs data-related activities. Assets all around join hardware (e.g. servers and switches), programming what’s more, and mystery information. Assets should be shielded from unlawful access, utilization, spill, change, ruin, and/or wrongdoing, bringing about misfortune to the affiliation. Management of these assets is known as asset management.
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Asset management policy
A systematic methodology associated with the protection of assets plays an important role in the maintenance of a civil construction site. No way is considered to be the best for accomplishing any work, whether it is associated with the creation of any organizational structure. Or designing also as managing the operations of a plant within the organization. Within this context, the finest method for doing something depends significantly upon the characteristics. Also as capabilities by the people within the organization, including the competitive framework within which it falls (Alarcon, 2001).
For the aim of deriving benefits from the vastly changing conditions, planners at Charlotte Squares got to adopt the development strategy that fulfills the precise requirements of the corporate at that every point within the course of its operation. Slow and steady improvement might be assumed appropriate within a number of the situations; endeavors at the dramatic breakthroughs with the assistance of process reengineering remain suitable within the others. Additionally thereto, various strategies of improvement need distinct resources, sorts of management also as support structures.
Asset maintenance techniques and programs
The application of maintenance techniques should be done in such a way to ensure optimal utilization of an intact capacity of any association. For the surety of most outstanding techniques, the management related to it should attain cultural transitions from a spontaneous towards a pro-reactive background (Bertelsen, 2002).
The foremost issue that arises, while finalizing the schedule or function of maintenance planning, is how and where that function fits into the organization. The very first answer is that it is required to be structure within the maintenance organization and not external. Also, it might be alone to the individual supervisor of maintenance for which it is being planned. As well as to the supervisor to whom it is supporting within the entire organization.
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Asset maintenance cost
Cost-effectiveness happens to be a primary component of the planning of any organization. And therefore the initial projected costs remain the focus of many of the activities within the organization. The long-term implications of the cost associated with projects of construction. However, extend far beyond the initial design also as expenses of construction. Because the organization grows, the cumulative costs associated with operating. Also as maintaining facilities considerably impact the overall budget of the organization (Bertelsen, 2002).
In the phases of Feasibility also as Programming, the concerned Project Manager creates the ‘Benchmark Budget’ having estimates of design. Also as construction cost based upon the info acquired from the projects wiped out the past (Addison). At now of your time, Project Team would also create an Operation & Maintenance Benchmark utilizing historical data associated with operations also as maintenance of the organization for such components of LCCA, which remain applicable there to the project (Addison).
Asset maintenance outsourcing strategy
Drivers of the general public sector delivery services, like compulsory competitive tenders, best values also. As later outsourcing happens to be progressive routes for improving the services, henceforth achieves financial efficiency (Commission, 2000). Since the project at Charlotte Square is large, the involved management must outsource a number of the portion of labor to specialize in their core activities and smooth maintenance program.
The primary reason involving a corporation to choose to outsource its service/services remains the very fact that it permits that organization to focus upon the core competencies. And also the very fact that the organization awarded the outsourced work would be operating therein very core competency already (Hamel, 1990). It would be concluded that this does not always happen. As there exist some outsourcing organizations, which might predatorily search outsourced services. Even they do not possess the understanding associated with the depth of the concerned operation.
Within the spheres of the local government sector, drivers of politics seem to overrule the derived approach concerning strategic and/or planned business to the activities of politics (Ballard, 2003). It is a known incontrovertible fact that politics cannot be thoroughly informed with any access to research or managers having knowledge associated with the implications involving outsourcing. Also because of the skills required for choosing the foremost suitable model (Hamel, 1990).
Changes are always inevitable within construction-related projects. additionally thereto, during the execution of a construction project. There are many choices to be taken, usually based upon unfinished information, personal assumptions. Also because of the experiences of the professionals involved within the project (Hamel, 1990).
Maintenance management faces a troublesome challenge from the domineering changing environment associated with construction projects, within which size, scope. Also because the complexity of the projects might vary from case to case in a significant way. Since maintenance management takes tons of ideas from the past project. Keen attention must be paid to the changing scenario of the organization.
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