72160 Statistical Analysis Assignment Sample
This is the assignment sample Of 72160 Statistical Analysis Assignment.
This online course is “Stat 101” for the digital age. In this six-week class, you’ll learn basic statistics to help you make sense of data in any field!
You will gain an understanding of statistical analysis and research design while improving your ability to interpret quantitative information from books, journals, or other sources.
Plus there are no exams so all that hard work goes towards advancing knowledge rather than being graded on it!
Assignment Solution Of “72160 Statistical Analysis Assignment”.
The Professor handed out a few assignments in this course, and one includes the completion of a group project.
In addition to completing an executive summary for your company’s proposal, you will have completed some research on the business world by the time it is due!
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Assignment Activity 1. use appropriate methods of sampling and describe suitable methods of collecting data
There are many different types of sampling. Random sampling is the most popular. But if we want information from just a certain group of people, then it might be necessary to use systematic sampling.
To get accurate data, you need to collect many samples. Animal populations might need RFID tags or photo identification tags.
If they do not, then people might forget about animals that should have been included in the study. This would lead to false conclusions because the data is incomplete.
Finding ways of getting everyone involved during data collection is important in order to yield accurate results and conclusions that can be generalized.
Assignment Activity 2. find probabilities from various probability distributions
Let’s start with the Normal distribution, which is what you probably think of when I ask about probabilities.
The equation for the Normal distribution is a simple one, and it starts with three parameters that then determine all the other parameter values.
The first parameter is a measure of location, like how far it is from the starting point. The second parameter measures scale, which is how wide it goes on either side.
The third parameter often measures shape, or how quickly the probability density fades away when we go farther out. We will talk more about shape later. For now, consider these to be its most common names: bell curve (μ = 0), uniform (σ = 1), and exponential (shape = 2).
The binomial distribution might seem a bit more confusing at first, but notice that it’s just a collection of independent Bernoulli trials. The equation is also easier to interpret visually.
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Assignment Activity 3. explore sampling distributions and use appropriate and valid tests of significance and confidence intervals for means and proportions
Sampling distributions show the central tendency or average and spread of data. The shape of a distribution is important for understanding how accurate it is. Rectangular or Block Sampling Distributions show the most accurate outcome because they are well-rounded.
There are different types of samples. Categorical or grouped samples can show you how many people in a group have something.
This type of sample is good for seeing if all groups are about the same and not very different.
Normal probability distributions should look like bell curves, which shows that what happens to be normal for one group will happen to be normal for other groups on average.
The test of significance is when you find out if the difference between two population means is “large enough” to be statistically important.
This depends on how many people there are in each group and how likely it is that the results are true.
In post-hoc analysis and in studies with low statistical power, an alpha level can be set arbitrarily by convention, typically at 0.1–0.2 where larger values will result in more false positives (type I errors) and smaller values will result in more false negatives (type II errors).
Assignment Activity 4. undertake linear regression analysis, and interpret the results
Linear regression analysis is a statistical technique for analyzing the relationship between two variables.
As such, it provides information about the nature and strength of that relationship.
What can be done to increase slope or Lower Standard Error?
The slope of a line is always positive. If you want the equation’s R-squared adjusted to account for correlation, use this formula:
The adjusted R2 is 1 minus how much scatter there is in your data points. The lower you get with standard error, the smaller the confidence intervals are, which means that there’s a higher chance that what was observed could have been an outlier instead of just random fluctuations.
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