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University University Of Canterbury (UC)
Subject TEPP331: Professional Practice 1

Learning Outcomes 

  • Discuss legislation that relates to the Information Technology industry
  •  Examine the importance of ethical behavior and evaluate the main ethical considerations facing Information Technology professionals
  • Discuss the organizational context and impact of IT on business


Write a report answering the questions listed on each of the following topics.

Topic 1: (L01) Legislation

1. Explain the relationship between copyright and licensing and show how this applies to software with an example.

2. List TWO advantages and TWO disadvantages industry standards play in information technology. List TWO reasons why you would follow standards in an IT project.

Topic 2: (LO 2) Ethical behavior

Your manager has asked you to examine a specific employee’s hard-disk drive for illegally downloaded items. You are wondering if it is ethical for you to examine an employee’s hard-disk drive.

1. Describe the ethical dilemma presented to you.

2. List and discuss at least TWO options of action.

3. Make your decision and explain why you chose that option.

Topic 3: (L03) Organisational context and impact of lT on business

Consider an imaginary transport company Town Hopper that runs coaches between main towns in your region.

1. Describe three significant impacts that evolving technology can have on the business and organization.

2. Provide analysis for each impact specified: o briefly describe the technological trend, o what its impact on a business may be, o give an example for the Town Hopper organization.

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