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University The University of Auckland (TUA)
Subject Accounting
  • Demonstrate understanding involves:
    1) explaining the purpose and elements of a job cost subsystem for an entity
    2) processing financial information to determine the cost of a job
    3) applying elements of a job cost subsystem to an entity to maintain its viability
  • Demonstrate in-depth understanding involves:
    1) explaining the application of elements of a job cost subsystem to an entity to maintain its viability
    2) processing detailed financial information to determine the cost of a job.
  • Demonstrate comprehensive understanding involves:
    1) justifying the application of elements of a job cost subsystem to an entity to
    enable an entity to maintain its viability
    2) processing detailed financial information to justify the cost of a job.
  • The entity for this achievement standard is registered for GST on an invoice basis.
  • The entity may be an actual entity or a case study of an entity.
  • Elements of the job cost subsystem may include a selection from:
    1) internal control components of a materials requisition, timesheet or job cost card
    2) selecting an appropriate base for allocating overheads
    3) correctly allocating costs to jobs
    4) under or over-applied overhead.

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