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Compare own attitudes, values and skills with Human Service competencies: Introduction to Social Services in Aotearoa New Zealand, EIT Assignment, NZ

University Open Polytechnic (OP)
SubjectIntroduction to Social Services in Aotearoa New Zealand

Learning outcomes

3. Compare own attitudes, values and skills with Human Service competencies.


For this assignment you will develop a 1000 word (± 10% ) Personal Profile that will outline your attributes (attitudes, values and skills) that will support you to work toward the professional field you have identified. You will support, and compare, these with chosen Human Service competencies, and identify any area that you may need to build on.

Step 1

What I want to do:

Identify the professional area that you are interested in working in -i.e. social services, education, health, or another area.

Using complete sentences, clearly outline your choice. This should include an overview of the specific role you are interested in, with a detailed description of the tasks involved. For example, what would you be doing each day in your role?

Step 2

What I currently have:

Register nurse Using complete sentences, outline three personal attitudes, values and/or skills you currently have to support this professional role. For each attitude, value or skill

Clearly state what it is Register Nurse
Give a personal description in your own words
Give an example to show how you use it in your daily life
Explain how it will be useful in your professional role.

Note: Using a separate paragraph for each attitude, value or skill makes it easier to ensure you cover all requirements for each one: what it is, a description, how you use it in your life and how it is useful in your future career.

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Step 3
Why I think these are important to my chosen career:

From the class resource, choose five Human Service competencies that are important to you. For each Human Service competency chosen, using complete sentences:

• Provide a detailed definition, in your own words Explain in own words relevant. Explain its benefit for your chosen career, with a relevant supporting example.

Step 4

How do my attributes compare against the Human Service competencies?

Step 5

Write a paragraph about what similarities and/or differences there are in your current, attributes (attitudes, values and skills) compared to your chosen Human Service competencies

What area in my attributes do I need to build on and how can I do this?

Using complete sentences, comment on a Human Service competency that you recognise you need to work on and,

Step 6

Make a realistic suggestion about how you will do this? (This can be from any of the Human Service competencies listed on the class resource.)

Proofread what you have written. Check the spelling, grammar and punctuation. Check the assignment guidelines and marking rubric to ensure you have met all requirements. Check the layout of your work against the academic requirements. Make sure you save your work.

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