University | Victoria University of Wellington (VUW) |
Subject | COMP132: Programming for the Natural and Social Sciences |
Define a function discipline() that returns a list of all disciplines that a given country participates in. For example, if “New Zealand” is the argument, the function should return [“Athletics”, “Judo”, “Rugby Sevens”, “Sailing”, “Swimming”, “Table Tennis”]
Show the output of discipline(’New Zealand’). (p) Define a functioning country() that returns a list of all participated countries for a given discipline. For example, if “Tennis” is the argument, the function should return [“Argentina”, “Australia”, “Austria”, “Belarus”, “Belgium” “United States
of America”, “Uzbekistan”]. Show the output of the country(’Tennis’).
1.2 Entries
(a) Find the top 10 disciplines with the highest number of female athletes.
(b) Print the disciplines with more female entries than male entries.
(c) Print the total number of female athletes and then the total number of male athletes.
1.3 Medals
(a) Add a Rank column in the medals data frame to show the rank of the total number of medals.
(b) Find out the top 10 countries with the highest number of gold, silver, and bronze medals respectively. Draw one figure with three bar sub-plots (gold, silver, bronze) to show the results. In each subplot, set the x-axis to be the country and y as the number of medals the country gets. Add labels and titles for each sub-plot and make sure they do not overlap.
1.4 Using more than one data file
(a) Find out the number of countries that did not get any medals in the 2021 Tokyo Olympics.
(b) Create a new data frame with four columns:
Discipline: discipline,
Signed Up: the number of signed up athletes under the discipline,
Entries: the number of entries under the discipline,
Diff: the difference between the number of signed-up athletes and entries. You may notice that there is inconsistency in the data.
Print the data frame.
Also, write code to save the data frame to a .csv file and give a proper file name.
(c) Find out how many athletes participated Olympics for each country, and then find out the ratio of getting medals. Print the top 10 countries with the highest ratio along with’Total’ and a ’Ratio’ columns.
Hint: The ratio is the number of metals the country gets divided by the number of participated athletes.
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