Pestle analysis of NZ assignment
This is a Pestel analysis based on the amazing country of New Zealand. Pestel analysis has a goal to assess political, economical, social, technological, environmental, and legal factors that affect the country.

The geographical composition of New Zealand
New Zealand is located in the Southwest Pacific Ocean in the east of Australia. New Zealand has two main islands naming North Island, South Island, and approximately 600 small islands. New Zealand has distinct biodiversityy of animal and plants It has a varied topography with many tectonic uplifts and volcano eruptions are also here which provide a different it geographical structure to your country.
Pestel Analysis of New Zealand
➢ Political factor
New Zealand is a democratic country with a monarchy. Elizabeth II who is the queen of the United Kingdom is the queen of New Zealand and the head of the Governor-General of the country are appointed by Her Majesty who represents the queen. The Prime Minister of the country recommends the governor-general to be appointed. New Zealand is considered as a measure a middle power country e around the world. New Zealand miis 25th powerful country around the world it is considered as a stable and peaceful Nation with the low corruption rate.
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➢ Economical factor
New Zealand is a well-developed nation it is an agriculture-based country. Industries other than agriculture are forestry tourism, horticulture, fishing, and mining. New Zealand exports many goods like dairy, meat, fish, wood, fruits, drinks, etc. New Zealand is a country who favours free trade. However, there is an analysis that suggests that country has a mixed type of economy.
➢ Social factor
Social structure has an important role in Pestel analysis of a country. New Zealand has a population of 4.7 million according to (BCC 2019). English and Maori. The country has no official religion but mostly the people are following Christianity. According to the “Centre for Applied cross-culture research” result in 2012 89% of people agrees that New Zealand has a very good culture with people from different religious beliefs. New Zealand is a country considered one of the best countries around the world. According to OECD 2019 the country green and clean environment with good employment opportunities. New Zealand is one of the best countries in the world in sports like rugby hockey and cricket.
➢ Technical factor
New Zealand is a country with high technological growth which requires more and more people to come into the IT industry for various job opportunities. Jobs are found in the software industry like software engineering, project management, marketing, and business analysis, software and application programming. Including about 40,000 people who are contributing to the national economy with 23% of women.
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➢ Environmental factor
The climate conditions of New Zealand are good with consistent rainfall which favours the agricultural development of the country. New Zealand is the best holiday destination for nature lovers. They can enjoy beautiful lakes, clean and Sandy beaches, and Glacier mountains. Fun lovers will also enjoy Skydiving, hiking, biking, bungee jumping.
However, New Zealand is having some environmental problems also like there is air pollution, soil erosion, and deforestation causing habitat loss for different species. It is adversely affecting biodiversity resulting in species loss.
➢ Legal factors
New Zealand has a government change every three every time a new government has new regulatory guidelines the Businessman has to have a legal advisor necessary they need to know no water is to do and what not to do legally freedom for developing A trade gives the facility to explain the trade and flourish the business as the crime rate is low people enjoy the basic facilities provided by the government.
New Zealand is a country with a very good environment clean air and nice Climatic conditions. For different industries, the environment has a different role. In the IT industry where the person has to deal with software, the environment of a country has no importance. Whereas in the oil and mining industry it has an important role.
However, being a country with a very low crime rate the people of New Zealand enjoy business and the life facilities as well.
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