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ECON 212: Macroeconomics: Growth, Stability, and Crises assignment sample NZ

In your Macroeconomics class, you have been studying the economy as a whole. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned to specific examples. To start, you will look at economic growth and stability. What factors affect these aspects of the economy? Then, you will move on to analyzing economic crises. What causes them and how can they be prevented? By completing this assignment, you will deepen your understanding of macroeconomics and its impact on society.

Growth, stability, and crises are all important topics in macroeconomics. Growth is when the economy produces more goods and services than it did before, which will lead to higher levels of employment and an increase in living standards over time. A crisis occurs when there’s a sudden change that leads to either too much debt or too little demand for loan repayment – these can be caused by financial market crashes like the dot com bubble burst (1999), oil price shocks like those from 2003-4 or 2007/8) global economic slowdowns like those seen after Lehman Brothers’ bankruptcy (2008). These events cause unemployment rates to rise as businesses lay off workers; consumers cut back on their spending; governments may tighten their belts at both national and international levels.

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Get Solved Assignment Sample for (ECON 212) Macroeconomics: Growth, Stability, and Crises Course

This course will increase your students’ knowledge and understanding of the subject. The following are some activities that will be answered in this course:

Assignment Activity 1: Understand the nature of the dynamic macroeconomic process.

The dynamic macroeconomic process refers to the ever-changing nature of the economy as a whole. It’s constantly in flux as different factors (political, economic, social, etc.) interact with one another to create a constantly moving system.

There’s no one right way to understand the dynamic macroeconomic process; it’s a complex and ever-evolving system that can be studied and understood in many different ways. However, at its core, the dynamic macroeconomic process is all about understanding how the economy works as a whole and how different factors interact with each other to create change.

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Assignment Activity 2: Apply dynamic macroeconomic theory to current and recent crises.

Macroeconomic theory is a mathematical model that describes the behavior of an economy as a whole. It can be used to explain how economies grow and contract, why they experience recessions and depressions, and what factors lead to inflation or deflation.

The most commonly used macroeconomic models are those based on Keynesian economics, which emphasize that even during times of low economic activity, there are high levels of unemployment due to insufficient demand. The Phillips curve shows that when unemployment reaches very low levels then this leads to increased prices for goods and services because workers will accept lower wages in order to work overtime (or “informally” via reduced working hours). This creates higher inflation rates as well as decreased investment spending leading up from previous periods where there was high unemployment.

The monetarist school of thought is based on the premise that economies experience problems because there isn’t enough economic demand (inflationary pressures) or supply (stabilizing forces). Monetarists believe in the theory of inflation and deflation, but they also believe in something called rational expectations; this means that when people believe that prices will rise this decreases their willingness to invest in future production. This is what’s called a deflationary spiral where demand falls and the economy contracts.

Assignment Activity 3: Understand theories of economic growth.

Economic growth is the increase in the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) per capita. It can be measured by many different metrics, but one common way to measure it is through changes in real (inflation-adjusted) GDP. This shows how much economic activity there has been over a period of time and what its equivalent value would be if calculated in today’s prices.

The World Bank publishes an annual measure called “PPP” – estimated using market exchange rates for all goods and services produced within a country that could be consumed there, including imports but excluding exports – which provides another way of estimating economic output without making any adjustments to account for inflation or interest payments on debt.

For most countries, economic growth is slow and steady over time with occasional periods of decline. These downturns are usually recoverable, but for some countries, this isn’t always the case–long-term negative trends in economic output can eventually lead to a degradation of a country’s overall standard of living.

Assignment Activity 4: Understand theories of the business cycle.

The business cycle is the fluctuation in production and consumption that happens with each economic cycle. These include fluctuations such as booms, recessions, or depressions. They are usually explained by theories of supply and demand. For example, when there is an increase in consumer demand for a product due to rising prices (which causes people’s incomes to rise), this will cause suppliers to respond by increasing production so they can meet the increased demand without running out of materials or facing steep price increases themselves.

This leads to a situation where too much stock exists on factories’ shelves at any given time – which leads them into either overproduction (too many items) or underproduction (not enough). A recession then follows if these excess products aren’t sold.

Assignment Activity 5: Understand the international transmission of growth and crises.

There are a number of factors that contribute to both the international transmission of growth and crises. One of the most important is the level of financial integration and openness in the global economy. When economies are more open, it allows for faster transmission of shocks (positive or negative) between countries.

In addition, there are a number of financial linkages between countries that also play a role in transmitting growth and crises. For example, when one country experiences trouble, it can often trigger a run on banks or other financial institutions in other countries. This can then lead to a wider financial crisis that affects multiple countries.

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Assignment Activity 6: Analyse significant economic crises in the 20th and 21st centuries, including the Great Depression (1930s) and the Asian Financial Crisis (1997).

The Great Depression began in the 1930s and was a global economic crisis caused by numerous factors, including the stock market crash of 1929, overproduction, and lack of consumer demand.

The Asian Financial Crisis began in 1997 and was a series of currency devaluations and banking collapses that spread throughout East Asia and Southeast Asia. It was caused by several factors, including high levels of debt, weak regulations, and speculation.

Assignment Activity 7: Analyze significant economic developments in the 20th and 21st centuries.

The 20th century was marked by a number of significant economic developments, most notably the Great Depression and the rise of communism. The 21st century has seen the global spread of capitalism and the rise of China and other countries as economic powers.

The Great Depression was a worldwide economic depression that began in 1929 and lasted until about 1939. It was caused by a number of factors, including over-investment in stocks, weak consumer spending, and international trade disputes. The depression had a devastating effect on economies around the world, leading to high unemployment and poverty rates.

The rise of communism was a major political development in the 20th century. Communist governments were established in a number of countries, most notably Russia and China. While these governments were outwardly different from each other, they both attempted to establish communist societies where the public (rather than private) sector was dominant.

The rise of China as an economic power is perhaps one of the most significant global developments in recent years. This has to do with its massive population and economic growth rates over the past few decades. China’s economy has grown large enough that it is now the second-largest in the world, after the United States.

China has become one of the largest economies in the world by being competitive in manufacturing, with over 50% of its gross domestic product (GDP) coming from this sector. This is an important development given that manufacturing was previously dominated by developed countries like the United States, which has lost many manufacturing jobs due to foreign competition.

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