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University Open Polytechnic(OP)
Subject CON102: Tendering Administration Processes for Construction Projects

Learning Outcomes

LO1: Describe the purpose of specific legislation relevant to the construction industry.

LO2: Demonstrate knowledge of the requirements of the Health & Safety at Work Act in the construction environment.

Task 1. Describe the purpose of specific legislation

Create a slide presentation to describe how stakeholders in Aotearoa New Zealand construction are protected by the following five acts:
1. Consumer Guarantees Act 1993.
2. The Building Act 2004.
3. Construction Contracts Act 2002.
4. Resource Management Act 1991.
5. Health & Safety at Work Act 2015.

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Your presentation should be a maximum of two slides per Act and should:

  1.  Include an introduction slide to set the scene and provide an overview of legislation and its relevance to the construction industry
  2. Describe the purpose of each Act
  3. Include a construction industry example for each Act. This can be an
    online article, news, or other media event that illustrates the purpose of each Act
  4. Include relevant visual supporting content such as images and diagrams.

Task 2. Demonstrate the requirements of the HSWA 2015

Create a second slide presentation to describe the responsibilities of all people engaged in the construction industry under the Health & Safety at Work Act 2015:

  1. Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU)
  2. The primary duty of care
  3. Upstream duties
  4. Responsibilities of all.

Your presentation should have a maximum of two slides for each bullet point listed above and:

  1. Include an introduction slide to set the scene and describe its purpose
  2. Show how the Act is designed to protect people
  3. Show who is responsible under the Act
  4. Should include a construction industry example that illustrates how the
    HSWA is applied. This can be taken from any news or online media source.

Your presentation should also include:

Supporting visual information such as images and diagrams.

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